
Ambassador Domingo P. Nolasco delivers his remarks at the Oath-taking ceremony for retention of Philippine citizenship today in the new chancery of the Philippine Embassy in Italy located in Via Aurelia.

ROME, 16 July 2021. - The Philippine Embassy in Rome welcomed in its new chancery in Via Aurelia 290/a, a group of 10 Philippine citizens who expressed their intention to retain their Philippine citizenship under Republic Act No. 9225, otherwise known as the Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003. The oath-taking was held in the Ceremonial Hall of the Chancery.

Philippine Ambassador to Italy, H.E. Domingo P. Nolasco witnessed the oath-taking ceremony, and reminded the group about their duties and privileges under R.A. 9225, such as the right to vote, own land, practice their profession, and hold a Philippine passport. Third Secretary and Vice Consul Nadine Rosario M. Morales on the other hand, administered the oath of allegiance of the 10.

Immediately after receiving their Identification Certificates as Filipino citizens, the 10 applied for their Philippine passports which were also processed at the Consular Section of the new chancery.

Passporting and other consular services will gradually be transferred to the new chancery in Via Aurelia. END


Vice Consul Nadine Rosario M. Morales administers at the Oath-taking ceremony of Natural-born Philippine citizens who have retained their Philippine citizenship under R.A. 9225 or the Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003.