Nationals from countries listed below are allowed to enter the Philippines without visas for a stay not exceeding thirty (30) days, provided they hold valid tickets for their return journey to port of origin or next port of destination. Department regulations require that passports are valid for a period of not less than six (6) months beyond the contemplated period of stay. However, Immigration Officers at ports of entry may exercise their discretion to admit holders of passports valid for at least sixty (60) days beyond the intended period of stay.
1. Andorra | 81. Malaysia |
2. Angola | 82. Maldives |
3. Antigua and Barbuda | 83. Mali |
4. Argentina | 84. Malta |
5. Australia | 85. Marshall Islands |
6. Austria | 86. Mauritania |
7. Bahamas | 87. Mauritius |
8. Bahrain | 88. Mexico |
9. Barbados |
89. Micronesia |
10. Belgium | 90. Monaco |
11. Benin | 91. Mongolia |
12. Bhutan | 92. Morocco |
13. Bolivia | 93. Mozambique |
14. Botswana | 94. Myanmar |
15. Brazil* | 95. Namibia |
16. Brunei Darussalam | 96. Nepal |
17. Bulgaria | 97. Netherlands |
18. Burkina Faso | 98. New Zealand |
19. Burundi | 99. Nicaragua |
20. Cambodia | 100. Niger |
21. Cameroon | 101. Norway |
22. Canada | 102. Oman |
23. Cape Verde | 103. Palau |
24. Central African Republic | 104. Panama |
25. Chad | 105. Papua New Guinea |
26. Chile | 106. Paraguay |
27. Colombia | 107. Peru |
28. Comoros | 108. Poland |
29. Congo | 109. Portugal |
30. Costa Rica | 110. Qatar |
31. Cote d’Ivoire | 111. Republic of Korea |
32. Cyprus | 112. Romania |
33. Czech Republic | 113. Russia |
34. Democratic Republic of Congo | 114. Rwanda |
35. Denmark | 115. Saint Kitts and Nevis |
36. Djibouti | 116. Saint Lucia |
37. Dominica | 117. Saint Vincent & the Grenadines |
38. Dominican Republic | 118. Samoa |
39. Ecuador | 119. San Marino |
40. El Salvador | 120. Sao Tome and Principe |
41. Equatorial Guinea | 121. Saudi Arabia |
42. Eritrea | 122. Senegal |
43. Estonia | 123. Seychelles |
44. Ethiopia | 124. Singapore |
45. Fiji | 125. Slovakia |
46. Finland | 126. Slovenia |
47. France | 127. Solomon Islands |
48. Gabon | 128. Somalia |
49. Gambia | 129. South Africa |
50. Germany | 130. Spain |
51. Ghana | 131. Suriname |
52. Gibraltar | 132. Swaziland |
53. Greece | 133. Sweden |
54. Grenada | 134. Switzerland |
55. Guatemala | 135. Thailand |
56. Guinea | 136. Togo |
57. Guinea Bissau | 137. Trinidad and Tobago |
58. Guyana | 138. Tunisia |
59. Haiti | 139. Turkey |
60. Honduras | 140. Tuvalu |
61. Hungary | 141. Uganda |
62. Iceland | 142. United Arab Emirates |
63. Indonesia | 143. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
64. Ireland | 144. United Republic of Tanzania |
65. Israel* | 145. United States of America |
66. Italy | 146. Uruguay |
67. Jamaica | 147. Venezuela |
68. Japan | 148. Vietnam |
69. Kenya | 149. Zambia |
70. Kiribati | 150. Zimbabwe |
71. Kuwait | |
72. Lao PDR | |
73. Latvia | |
74. Lesotho | |
75. Liberia | |
76. Liechtenstein | |
77. Lithuania | |
78. Luxembourg | |
79. Madagascar | |
80. Malawi |
1. Who are eligible under Balikbayan Program?
a. A Balikbayan, who may be either one of the following:
i. A Filipino citizen who has been continuously out of the Philippines for a period of at least one (1) year;
ii. A Filipino overseas worker;
iii. A former Filipino citizen and his family who had been naturalized in a foreign country and comes or returns to the Philippines.
b. Immediate family members (spouse and children) of the Balikbayan, who are nationals of countries included above, travelling together with the Balikbayan.
2. Who are not entitled to the Balikbayan privilege?
Former Filipinos and their immediate family members (spouse and children) who are visa-required nationals (nationals of countries NOT listed above). They must secure entry visas prior to their travel to the Philippines.
3. What are the privileges of a Balikbayan?
Those who are admitted as Balikbayans are given an initial stay of one (1) year. They may extend their stay for another one (1), two (2) or six (6) months provided that they present their valid passport and filled out visa extension form to the BI Main Office or any BI Offices nationwide. An additional requirement will be asked for Balikbayans who have stayed in the Philippines after thirty six (36) months.
4. Can a foreigner spouse or child of a Balikbayan avail this privilege when traveling to the Philippines alone?
A foreign national spouse and/or child of a Balikbayan may only be given the said privilege if he/she is traveling with his/her Balikbayan spouse or parent.